Friday, October 07, 2022


72, 114 and 144:
Doubling of principal: If interest is compounded at quarterly intervals and the rate is r%, it will take approximately 72/r years for the principal to double. For instance, if the rate of interest is 6%, it will take about 12 years; for 9%, it will take about 8 years.
Three times the principal: It will take about 114/r years for the principal to grow three-fold.
(How have these been worked out? Suffice it to know that binomial theorem has been applied.)
Four times the principal: It will take about 144/r years for the principal to grow four times. [Edit: Given the above rule of 72, nothing earthshaking there, I discover now!]
Assuming the rate of inflation to be r%, the purchasing power of your corpus will be reduced to half in approximately 70/r years. (That is, if you do not touch it. If you withdraw, the doomsday is closer.)
If your present annual expenses are x, you need a corpus of 25x so that assuming a return of 6.5% and inflation rate of 8%, my excel sheet says, the entire corpus will be wiped out in less than 22 years. The corpus will stretch for a few more years with a lower inflation rate.
100 minus age
The ideal percentage of equity in your financial assets is around 100 — age. As one grows up, the percentage should decline.
20-50-30 rule
While at least 20% of your income should be saved, about 50% can be allocated for your needs and about 30% for wants. The proportion of savings can go up, but not down.
You should have an emergency fund of four times your monthly income to cover unforeseen eventualities.
Your EMIs should not exceed 40% of your gross monthly income after income tax.
After every credit card bill is paid, the amount due for the previous billing period should always be 0. Ignore the "minimum due" printed on the bill; it is a trap.

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